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Авторы: Н.Р. Галяветдинов, Ш.Р. Мухаметзянов, И.Ф. Хакимзянов, П.А. Кайнов

В статье рассмотрены пути повышения эффективности процессов сушки древесных материалов. Представлен анализ энергопотребления сушильной установки для различных пород древесины при помощи теплового насоса и электрическим нагревом. Показана возможность работы теплового насоса от альтернативного источника.

Ключевые слова: вакуумная сушка, пиломатериалы, энергосбережение, газификация


Development of the energy-saving processes and equipment providing the economy of fuel and energy resources is a major problem of modern production. There is a problem of increasing of shortage of fuel resources, both traditional and renewable, and there is a constant growth of tariffs for energy carriers nowadays.

A technological complex that allows the efficient use of fuel resources for producing thermal and mechanical energy for industrial processes in particular for drying lumber is presented in the given article. The complex consists of a gasifier, cooling system, an internal combustion engine, vacuum dryer with a heat pump. The operation of the system bases on the consumption of wood waste by gasification with the production of synthesis gas for the operation of the internal combustion engine, making heat pump vacuum drying equipment to work.

The series of experimental studies aimed at identifying of the energy efficiency of the complex in the process of vacuum drying of lumber has been carried out. It has been established that the developed technology allowed more than 3 times reducing energy consumption.

Thus, the proposed technology allows reducing the consumption of fuel and energy resources and increases the efficiency of the drying process.

Keywords: vacuum drying, lumber, energy saving, gasification.