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Authors Guidlines

The two-column layout of the journal. Working language — Russian and English. All published articles must conform to all design requirements.


Requirements for registration

Page setup:

  • top — 3 cm;
  • bottom — 1,8 cm;
  • left margin — 1,8 cm;
  • right margin — 1,8 cm;

The base font size of the article — 10,5
1 interval (keywords annotation, drawn size 10)
Paragraph — 0.5 cm

The size of the pictures:

  • width — 17.5 cm;
  • height not more than 12 cm;

Pictures name: arial font size 8, bold, centered alignment (Fig. No. The name of the picture.).

The table size should not exceed 17.5 x 12 cm.

Table’s name: arial font size 8, bold, centered alignment (Table. No. The name of the picture.).

The formulas, presented in the paper must be placed in one column and be no larger than 8.5 x 5 cm (font "Times New Roman").



During the design of materials presented for publication the following documents (1 copy) are required:

  • Expert conclusion about the possibility of publication in public media;
  • UDC;
  • Information about the authors: surname, name, degree, academic rank, post, full name of the institution, organization, enterprise, e-mail, phone for communication;
  • Annotation (in Russian and English);
  • Key words (in Russian and English).



  1. The articles are reviewed by the editor for conformity to the journal.
  2. Further articles, depending on the subject, are sent to two reviewers - members of the editorial board, who have publications on this subject over the past 3 years.
    Review of articles of post-graduate students of internal form of training is free.
  3. The reviewer sends a review to the Deputy Editor in writing within 30 calendar days.
  4. Deputy Editor sends to the authors the reviewers' comments in electronic form in a week's time to make corrections.
  5. Article corrected by the authors in the period of 30 calendar days shall be forwarded to the reviewers for approval. Article corrected by the authors in a period of more than 30 calendar days is sent for the second reviewing.
  6. Fixed and agreed with the reviewers article is sent to the Chief Editor for approval and schedule of going to press. After the approval article is published not later than in the nearest second issue of the magazine.
  7. Reviews of the papers are stored in the publishing house and the editorial office for at least 5 years.
  8. In the case of discrepancy of article to the journal requirements, authors will receive a reasoned refusal within 3 months after receipt of the article.
  9.  In the case of a corresponding request, the copies of the reviews, submitted to the editorial Board, are sent to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.